Sunday, May 17, 2020

Teaching Students With Behavioral Problems Essay - 926 Words

Teaching students with behavioral problems can be challenging at times. The teacher can discriminate those students with behavioral problems and see them as underachievers. Darrow (2006) states that students with behavior problems are seen as the troublemakers instead of students with a disability. They deserve the same educations as their peers with physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities (p.35). Those students with behavioral disabilities are expected once they enter the classroom to â€Å"behave† and suppress their disability. Additionally, students with behavioral disabilities often find the music room the one place that they are motivated to succeed. They learn music the same way as their peers. Students with behavioral disabilities often engage in disruptive behaviors when they are not engaged or when the environment prompts these behaviors. Students with behavioral problems perform better when they are close to the teacher, sitting next to a model student and are a ctively engaged. Music Therapy Music has been a powerful way for people to connect, celebrate, entertain, remember and mourn for many years (Davis, 2010). Often times people can express themselves through music or sound. Adderley, Kennedy and Berz (2003) explore the world of music in high school music classrooms. The scholars went on to investigate how being in a music classroom changes the perspective of the students. They found that being part of the music classroom has many benefits such asShow MoreRelatedTeaching Students With Emotional Or Behavior Problems951 Words   |  4 PagesTeaching students with emotional or behavior problems can be overwhelming, it is often a challenge for teachers to teach them. 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